Republicans Request Probe Into Alleged IRS Whistleblower Retaliation

Republicans from both houses of Congress sent a letter to the Office of Special Counsel seeking answers related to allegations of interference in the IRS probe of Hunter Biden.

Five Republicans wrote to the office requesting an investigation into allegations regarding retaliation. 

Two IRS whistleblowers involved in the investigation into President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden stated that they faced retaliation due to their testimony to Congress. 

The two whistleblowers were reportedly removed from the investigation into the younger Biden following their testimony. One whistleblower, Gary Shapley, said that he was refused a promotion after his statements.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO), House Oversight Committee Chair Rep. James Comer (R-KY) and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) signed the letter from the House GOP delegation. 

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) signed the letter from the Senate GOP caucus.

The letter also coincides with allegations that the investigation by U.S. Attorney David Weiss was restrained by two other Justice Department officials who refused to greenlight the prosecution of Hunter Biden. 

Weiss recently revealed a letter stating that he was restrained by custom from charging outside of Delaware.

The president’s son will reportedly plead guilty to tax and firearms charges, which will likely keep him out of prison.

The letter accuses both the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the IRS of “unlawful whistleblower retaliation against veteran IRS employees.”

“The importance of protecting whistleblowers from unlawful retaliation and informing whistleblowers about their rights under the law cannot be understated,” it reads. “After all, it is the law.

The letter asks the special counsel’s office to “immediately seek the appropriate disciplinary actions against all who engaged in unlawful conduct against these whistleblowers.” 

“The DOJ and IRS must be held accountable for all instances of whistleblower retaliation and misconduct, and federal agencies cannot conceal their wrongdoing behind illegal nondisclosure directives and related documents,” the congressional letter reads.

The letter requests a briefing “to discuss the steps you have taken with respect to our requests no later than July 19, 2023.”