About Congressional Post

Congressional Post reflects our duties as citizens: to keep a watchful eye on Congresspeople and the decisions they make. From ensuring the protection of our rights and personal freedoms to keeping a lid on government spending, Congressional Post ensures you know what’s happening on Capitol Hill.

Congressional Post provides you with the news you need to hold our elected officials accountable. From right to life issues to gun control and free speech rights, we know senators and representatives can be easily swayed by liberal ideologies once they get to Washington. Congressional Post is your sentinel, ever vigilant about their behavior.

Congressional Post’s Mission

Congressional Post’s mission is to provide oversight to the goings-on of Congress. Our readers are busy, hardworking Americans who need summarized content about daily happenings on Capitol Hill. We make it our mission to provide that summarized information to you, our reader, so you can speak up by contacting your Congresspeople and voting.

What We Do Here

We have a special interest in laws concerning our personal freedoms. We believe in maintaining the individual rights of Americans, supporting the values of faith-based communities and traditional family values.

At Congressional Post, you can find the latest information on news concerning free speech, the right to bear arms, the right to life, decisions affecting the economy and the job market, and your right to live your life as an American with traditional values.

Hot News from the Daily Post

The Daily Post is your way of keeping an eye on Congress. Instead of watching C-SPAN all day, imagine a summarized piece of content highlighting hot-button issues you need to know about to keep Congress accountable. The Daily Post keeps you informed and provides you with what you need to know to take action.

Stay in the Loop with Business Watch

With government spending out of control, volatile markets, and inflation often on the rise, you need to know what’s going on on Wall Street and how that will affect your family, your job, and your community. That’s where Business Watch comes in. We help you stay vigilant against uncontrollable government spending.

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Our dedication resides in accurate, efficient news. We support polices and governmental positions. However, our hope does not lie with America, presidential candidates, laws, or mere humans. We are grounded in Jesus Christ who came to seek and save those we are lost. Romans 6:23

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