Poll: More Americans See Trump Victory In November

A significant portion of the American public believes that former President Donald Trump will win over President Joe Biden in November’s election, according to a recent poll. The survey results also come amid a series of recent polls that show the former president in the lead both nationally and in a number of swing states.

According to the latest Economist/YouGov poll, 43% believe that Trump would win the election, with 34% believing that Biden would. Trump’s standing improved when factoring in just registered voters, with 44% believing that he will win in November.

This figure included 82% of Republicans, while Trump also received good news from independents. Among these voters, 39% believe that Trump will win the White House.

The former president also leads Biden in the same poll, bringing in 44% to Biden’s 43%.

A Fox News poll issued this week also showed more positive news for the former president.

When asked about whether or not they are better off than they were four years ago, one-fifth of Americans agreed. A majority of 52%, including 28% of Democrats said that they were worse off than they were four years ago.

Among independents, who will likely decide the November contest, 59% said that they were worse off while just 18% said that they were better off.

In addition, 73% of the public stated that the current economy is poor. This included a large majority of Republicans, as well as 86% of independents and 49% of Democrats.

Overall, just 38% of voters approved of Biden’s economic job performance. Another 61% disapproved.

The president also received poor marks related to inflation. Just 34% approve of his handling of the issue. The poll also showed only 30% of Americans approving of Biden’s handling of immigration.

The poll also showed Trump holding his largest lead in months. Trump currently has 50% of registered voters’ support, while Biden trails with 45%. This correlates with a number of other positive polls for Trump recently.