Longtime colleague of President Biden and former Iowa Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) comments on the recent presidential debate saying we need a “new candidate” and that Biden’s performance was a “disaster.”
Senator Harkin, who served 20 years with Biden in Congress, is urging Democrats to come forward and call out Biden’s incapacity to act as president for the next four years.
“Last night was a disaster from which Biden cannot recover,” Harkin said. He continued to say that President Biden “has gone downhill since his State of the Union speech.”
“Look how he walked and handled himself on the House floor even after the speech, and watch how he walks and uses his arms now,” Harkin said. “Startling!”
In an interview with Julie Gammack, Harkin explained his belief that Trump has harnessed the voters’ perception of him as “able to take command of a situation and control the outcome.”
The aftermath of the debate has led Harkin to call “all sitting Democratic Senators” to “send a letter to Biden telling him they will be demanding he release his delegates and withdraw so the convention can pick another candidate.
“Last night was a disaster from which Biden cannot recover,” Harkin said.
Still, other Democrats, such as former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Whip James Clyburn have come forward to the president’s defense saying his poor performance was caused by “preparation overload.”
Amidst all the calls for Biden to step down, the campaign hasn’t responded to several news outlets requests for comment.
Following the debate, a Biden campaign ad said: “Folks, I know I’m not a young man. But I know how to do this job. I know right from wrong. I know how to tell the truth. And I know, like millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down, you get back up.”